Answers and Questions


I need a first advise concerning the immigration into the USA. How can I get it?

If you live abroad and just planning to immigrate into USA, or you are already in USA and wish to stay here, we will be glad to help you!
We can provide for you advises concerning all aspects of the immigration and also offer you concrete varieties of immigration, which are suitable for you, during the personal consultation in our office, via Viber/WhatsApp, telephone and Zoom (according to your choice).
The price of the first advise – 50$. Generally, we can provide some advice 24 hours after payment. You may make any payment for our services on our website.

More information is on our website on Facebook:

T0hank you for your attention and we hope to see you soon!


How can I find “my” lawyer?

If you decided that you have to apply to lawyer, the next problem you will meet – that is a right choice of the lawyer. For those who don’t live in a big city, there could be not so many varieties – how to meet a lawyer.
If you did not find an experienced lawyer in your city, try to get an advice via phone, especially if your case is not complicated, and you are not in the process of deportation. You can agree to send documents to the lawyer for a check via e-mail and pay for the advice via credit card, via phone or through the website.


Which information will need my lawyer?

Make the copies of the maximum possible number of the documents, which are enlisted below, for your lawyer. The financial information which may need the lawyer: The information about monthly incomes of the spouse. If your spouse is a private entrepreneur (carpenter, plumber, electrician, mechanician etc.) – the name, under which he/she is working. The confirmation of Your spouse’s incomes (a copy of receipt about salary, tax declaration, bank balance or an application about receiving of credit card). The information about your salary. If your spouse works illegally, find the documents about his hourly income, how often (how many hours and days a week) does he work, and who is his/her employer.

The other information which may need the lawyer: the date of birth and the number of social security of all family members. A short chronological description of the facts which testify the violence. The police protocols. The medical certificates. A protection Order of the court. A list of violence witnesses, including names, addresses and phone numbers. The copies of all gained documents (an agreement about separate living of spouses, a marriage contract, a certificate of divorce).


What can my lawyer expect from me?

Bear in mind – you are not the only client of your lawyer. Obligatory come to all dates, assigned by lawyer; bring with yourself all documents which are necessary for your case; for an effective using of time, beforehand prepare all questions; carefully listen lawyer’s explanations – how law works in your situation. Remember, that every date, every phone call, a letter or an e-mail to Your lawyer would cost you money. You can decrease your expenses, if you won’t apply to your lawyer without a necessity.

Provision of necessary documents in an organized form would help you to decrease the time, which a lawyer spends for your case, and accordingly, would save your money.

Take into consideration the business of the lawyer and importance of your information: is it urgent or you could wait until the next meeting. Your lawyer is not an advisor on family relationship and not a psychoanalyst. Many legal issues and judicial processes are serious stress in themselves. Your lawyer could recommend you an appropriate specialists and services for such issues as violence in a family or a sexual harassments.


What does the term mean “the confidence of relations between a lawyer and a client”?

According to the Rules of the professional ethics, which are applied by all lawyers who are working in Washington D.C., your lawyer could not disclose to anyone the information gained from you in the process of work on your case, without your agreement. There are some exceptions from this rule. Your lawyer is obligated to disclose such information, if it could prevent a death or an injury of person. Under this category fall the cases of family violence or violence toward children. Moreover, your lawyer could disclose the information: 1) to prevent committing a crime by you or; 2) to prevent, limit, or compensate the serious losses toward the property or financial interests of other person, which you may cause, if for that you were using lawyer’s services.


What need to be discussed during the first visitation?

Explain to the lawyer your judicial problem – frankly tell about all facts concerning your case, both favorable and disadvantageous for you. Tell the lawyer – which event you want to achieve. Such information would help the lawyer to decide, would he take your case. TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION: both verbal and writing communication between you and your lawyer is a confidential.


How should I prepare myself for an initial consultation?

Made a writing list of questions, which you would like to ask and leave a place for the answer. That will help you to not forget the questions which are interesting for you and also choose a lawyer through comparing of records. Bring with yourself all documents, connected with your case.


What are the “limited legal services”?

Some lawyers begin to offer “limited legal services” (limited/unbundled legal services/ pro se assistance) to people who present themselves. That means that the lawyer would consult you, look through or prepare your documents, but won’t represent you in court. Usually, lawyers ask prepayment for their services. Agreeing the visitation, make it clear, that you need exactly this type of services, so the lawyer would give you a correct information about his prices.


What is a “payments schedule”?

A payments schedule – that is a plan of payment, according to which you monthly give agreed sum to pay off your debt to the lawyer. Usually lawyers also take percent, which is countered to a sum of your debt. If you have not agreed about the payments’ schedule, then it means, that you should provide a payment for services monthly and fully. Many lawyers assign the payments’ schedule already after the client has provided a prepayment.

Have you more questions?

If you have any questions, or you need our advises, we are always ready to help you! We work by appointments only.
